Kamis, 03 Mei 2012



hari ini , hari pertama uts

oral test - english for accounting , I''m not good at English language, but i keep on 

trying to do my best , so pray for me ya nd wish me luck :D

and now, I'd like to share what I present today...


who is accountant ???

accountant comes from the word "account" meaning a statement of money to be paid to other people or business organization for buying good or services or statement of money to be received from other people or business organization for selling good or services. Accountant itself mean a person whose profession keep and examine business account and accountant concern with provision and interpretation financial information. the profession of accountant called by accountancy.
So, what should we have to be an expert accountant???
i have 3 things ;

1st, knowledge..
of course people who can be an accountant should have knowledge about accounting. you can get the knowledge from study, the basic, intermediate until advance. you not only study hard but you also study smart. i means you can improve your knowledge not only from the book but you can also get it from chat with your partner/friends, lecture, senior who had better experience on accounting, join the organization of accounting, attending workshop of accounting, internet and many more. 

2nd, skill...
good at math, careful on recording data / making financial report, and other interpersonal skill
is it a natural talent??
i don't think so, maybe one of one billion people get it from natural talent but you still need practicing... i think it called by practice makes perfect. don't be afraid to try something new to improve your skill.

3rd, Ethic
you need to confidence quality of yourself and remember to maintain level of self-discipline. never ever give up on any condition or situation. Last but not least, you must do it at the first is pray, because as i know ..
people act without pray is like an arrogant person
people pray without an act is like a dreamer
so before you starting your activity you must pray to god
hope the best for your life/you can be a useful person for any other 

B+ isn't my blood group or my grade on math, but it is my favorite quote : "BE POSITIVE"
I'm sure i can be an expert accountant if i do that and it will make me a successful person

that's all my presentation ...

if i had a mistake please , let me know that ^^

i hope it will be useful

thank you for reading :D

2 komentar:

  1. sipp...keren sangaaatt..:-D

    keep posting kwan...\(^_^)/

    1. hahahaha
      tapi pas oral kmaren ada beberapa yang gak kebaca lebih tepatnya sengaja gak dibaca biar gak kelamaan
